Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Pigpen Cipher | Summer learning Journey | Day 2 activity 1 week 2

 Today I completed a activity called treasure map code. This task was about secret codes.

 I first watched a video to get an idea of what the task will look like . 

I then watched a few videos for examples.  In there videos they were telling us about them and what they are. I then made my pigpen cipher. My cipher gave a hint aabout what beach it is. Cau you solve it? 

I really enjoyed this activity  because I learnt pigpen cipher.


1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Fotu

    Ben here again from the SLJ commenting team.

    Happy to hear you enjoyed this activity. How did you go with cracking the code that was given to you in the slides?

    I can’t lie, I’m having some trouble decrypting your secret code… Maybe it’s because I am reading the symbols wrong since they are a little difficult to make out in your photo. In any case, it seems your beach is staying well hidden for the mean time haha. Feel free to give me a clue!

    Keep up the great work!

    Mā te wā,



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