Thursday, 26 November 2020


Depending on the properties of different materials, they can suit certain situations better.

The materials vary depending on the type of natural disaster. 

The materials that are appropriate for a storm are: PVC plastic, chicken wire, plaster, concrete and wool.

PVC plastic is a suitable material for shelters because it is flexible and strong. This material has been chosen to protect against storms because it is firm enough to withstand aggressive wind currents. 

Chicken wire and plaster is used to hold the walls and structure together. This material has been chosen to protect against storms because it can give the structure more protection and strength against strong winds.

Concrete is a suitable material and strong material for the foundation of a structure.

This material has been chosen to protect against storms because it provides a strong

foundation for an emergency shelter against storms.

Wool is used for many things, however in this case it is used to absorb water and rain.

This material has been chosen to protect against storms because it prevents people inside of the shelter from

getting wet and causing them to freeze.

It is important to have a good understanding of the properties of materials because this knowledge can be helpful when designing a strong, quality structure.

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