Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Poetry slam Rua | SLJ

Chisa and I have done another poetry slam activity called kenning poem. Kenning poems is a two word phase to describe something. One word is a verb and the other is a noun. 

First we watched a video on what to do first. Then we thought of animals that relate to summer. We picked bees because we both had bees in our garden.

 Chisa and I both enjoyed this activity because we both took part in this and thought about the words we were using.


  1. Hi Fotu

    I have just commented on Chisa's blog about this. A good piece of co operative work. Well done. Good that you are enjoying the SLJ.

  2. Kia ora Fotu,

    This is a beautiful poem! Well done, you spoke beautifully and the poem flows very nicely.

    I especially like the background slide you have made with the bees and the clouds. It's very peaceful and calm, just like your poem.

    Have you written poetry before? Do you enjoy it?

    Keep up the excellent and creative work.

    Ngā mihi,

  3. Kia ora Fotu, I really enjoyed listening to the kenning poem that you and Chisa created! I had not heard of this style of poem so I have learnt something new today! Do you and Chisa often work together? I really like how you have designed your beautiful visual backdrop to the poem, to accentuate your meanings! I have to say that you also have a clear and articulate speaking voice! Well done on also doing your research and planning before you started authoring your poem - it shows that you have given a lot of thought to your design. Did you know that honey bees really do need promotion because they are under threat? Two major threats to bees are colony collapse disorder (CCD) as well as them being the target of pests such as the varroa mite. Were you aware of either of these threats? Keep up the great work and I look forward to following your summer learning journey. Nga mihi nui, Naomi (Manaiakalani Facilitator)


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