Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Skip Counting

We learnt how to use skip counting and repeted addtion on multiplacation stratagys. 

Skip counting is counting up and counting down using the same number like multiplacation. For example: Sam has 7 five dollar notes. How much money does he have altogether? 5,10,15,20,25,30,35. The answer is 35. I skip counted in fives 7 times. 7x5 is 7 lots of five. 

Repeated addition is repeting a number many amunt of times to find an answer. For example: Mike was at the beach for five days he collected 14 sea shells every day to keep how many shells does he have in total? 14+14+14+14+14=70

I can now use this stratagy to use for bigger numbers in equations.

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