Thursday, 28 October 2021

Maori Questions

  I completed a task called mari questions. 

This task is making your own questions and answering them in Maori. 

For example: Kei hea te peni? Kei roto i te pouaka. When creating the sentences the question will start with kei hea.... and the answer will start kei... i te....

I enjoyed this task because I understand the postions properly.

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed basic facts boxes subtraction up to 20. 

I got 100/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 16 seconds. 

Next time I do this task I will go up a level. 

SSR Selfie

 I read fiction book called diary of a wimpy kid. 

The main characters are Greg, Rodrick, mum,dad and Manny. 

In the beginning of the story Greg’s mum is happy after buying greg a journal. Greg was embarrassed showing his journal to people because it had a diary heading in the front the front of the book. 

After seeing a funny video greg wanted to recreate it and be famous but they couldn’t do it because Rowley doesn't want to get hurt.  

I enjoyed reading this book because Greg's always making good choices when he's getting distracted. 

Story Arch

 I completed a task called story arch. My story arch was about little red riding hood. 

 First, I did the Orientation. The Orientation is introducing the character and describing where the setting is.

Next, I did the Inciting Incident. The Inciting Incident are the events that sets the main character or characters.

Then, I did the Rising Action Problems. The Rising Action Problems is where an event happens with an arguement or conflict.

Then, I did the Climax. The Climax is the main point of the story.

Then, I did the Success or Failure. The Success or Failure is what happened good or bad.

Lastly, I did the Resolution. The Resolution is fixing the problem so things are back to normal.

I enjoyed doing this activity because I explained different parts of the little red riding hood. 

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Comment Thread

 I  completed a task called comment thread. A comment thread is making a conversation with someone. 

I commented on Kahu's blog post. Kahu's blog post was about unit fractions and normal fractions. 

Here is an example of an comment thread:

SSR Selfie | Bad Guys

  I read a fiction book called bad guys. 

The main characrters is snake, other animals, and the teacher. 

In the beginning of the story a snake arrives at school. He asks to play with the other animals but they all fear of him. The teacher comes and wackes the snake with the rack. He gets Interrogated by the teacher. The teachers tells him what is he doing at their school.

I enjoyed reading this book because snake was able to come up with an excuse to be able to play basketball. 


 I did fractions and unit fractions by represnting it in squares and pizza slices. 

First, I did unit fractions. Unit fraction are multiple fractions, but the numerator is always a one.

Next, I explained unit fractions using the pizza slices and square. 

Afterwards, I did fractions. A fraction is a whole divided into equal pieces. 

Lastly, I explained the fractions by using the pizza slices and squares. 

This task was easy untill I got to the last fractions of the normal fraction section. 

Tuesday, 26 October 2021


  I did a can-do activity called dance dancing mat. 

First I went on dancing typing mat and set up a 15 minute timer. 

Then I put my fingers on the home row keys. 

Lastly I put in my results on a google slide and wrote what do I need to inprove on.

I need to inprove on looking at my screen and not under the sheets to try and look at the keyboard.

HPE | Tuesday Workout

 I did the Tusday workout. The workouts were Wall Sits, Squats, and Burpees.

The first workout I did was wall sits. Wall sits is pretending to sit on a chair but using the wall. 

The next workout I did was burpees. Burpees is doing a pressup and jumping up. 

The last workout I did was squats. Squats bending down like your sitting on the toliet and your heels never come up. 

These workouts were easy because I did stretches duuring each break to keep buff. 

Friday, 22 October 2021


  I completed a can-do activity called hand writing. 

I first watched a video on what to do. I then wrote the alphabet in capital letters and lower case letters. 

After that I wrote the punctuation and my numbers. 

I need to improve my capital letters because I thought the letter K had no difference to a lower case k.


  I did Steps Web activitys. 

First I had to put the words in order to make a sentence. For example: The Immigrants gradually strated to populate the whole area. This activity was called sentence builder.

Then I did a activity called choose the word. For this task we have to chose the word to complete the sentence. For example: She felt ___ when she got the bad news. 

I enjoyed Steps Web because it makes me understand new words. 


  I did a can-do activity called dance typing mat. 

First I went on dancing typing mat and set up a 15 minute timer. 

Then I put my fingers on the home row keys. 

Lastly I put in my results on a google slide and wrote what do I need to inprove on.

I need to practise typing the right keys and looking at the screen. 

SSR Selfie

 I read 39 pages of the book diary of the wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney.

In the story diary of the wimpy kid, Greg, Rodrick and his family are the main characters. In one of the pages Greg always hated getting picked up by Rodrick because he wasn't allowed in the front, so he prayed everytime he was at the back because of Rodrick's drum sitcks.

I liked Greg in the book because he always descibe everthing in his day.

SSR Selfie

   I read a book called ghosts from Raina Telgemeier. 

I read 22 pages of the book. In the beginning of the story there are 4 characters, Maya, Cat, and their mum and dad. They are at a food store ordering food. Maya and Cat both ask if they are gonna be any food stores at their new town. They're moving to the new town because of their dad's new work. 

Another page I read was about Maya and Cat taking a walk to the beach. Cat ends up walking back home with Maya because it was to cold. 

I enjoyed reading this book because Maya makes good decisions.  

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed speed demon challenge up to 20 

My score was 100/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 4 seconds. 

I finally increased my speed.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed basic facts boxes subtraction up to 20. 

I got 100/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 16 seconds. 

Next time I do this task I will go up a level. 

SSR Selfie

 I read a fiction book called bad guys. 

The main characrters is snake, other animals, and the teacher. 

In the beginning of the story a snake arrives at school. He asks to play with the other animals but they all fear of him. The teacher comes and wackes the snake with the rack. He gets Interrogated by the teacher. The teachers tells him what is he doing at their school.

I enjoyed reading this book because snake was able to come up with an excuse to be able to play basketball. 

Maori Questions

 I completed a task called mari questions. 

This task is making your own questions and answering them in Maori. 

For example: Kei hea te peni? Kei roto i te pouaka. When creating the sentences the question will start with kei hea.... and the answer will start kei... i te....

I enjoyed this task because I understand the postions properly.

Thursday, 21 October 2021


 I completed a task called fairytales. For this task I had to read 3 fairy tales and talk about the characters, setting, the problem, and the solution. I read a caled little red ridding hood. 

First I read a text about little red riding hood. In the text it talks about little red riding hood, her grandma, and the wolf. 

Next, I wrote down the setting. The setting talks about where it takes place. The setting is taken placeat the grandmother's house. 

Afterwards, I problem in the text. The problem was the wolf eating the grandma. 

To finish up I did the solution. The solution was the lumberjack cutting the wolf open. 

I enjoyed this activity because I can now compare the differences and similarities. 


Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed basic facts boxes subtraction up to 20.

My score was 100/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 28 seconds. 

Next time I do this task I will try to improve my time and to try a harder level. 

SSR Selfie | Repunzel

I read a fiction text called Repunzel. 

The main character is Repunzel. 

There were once a man and a woman who had long, in vain, wished for a child. At length it appeared that God was about to grant their desire. 

I enjoyed reading this text because I can compare the simularaties bewteen the movie and the text. 


Fortnite Dances | HPE

 I did the Tuesday workout. I decided to pick a new exersice. It was fortnite dances.

First I recoreded myself doing all the dances and they were challenging. What I noticed about these dances were the phisical movements to keep us puffted. 

The dances that were challenging were electric shuffle, squat kick. 

By the end of the recording I was puffted and also wanted to play fortnite. 

Comment Thread

 I did completed a task called comment thread. A comment thread is making a conversation with someone. 

 One of my teachers commented on my blog post. My bolg post was called Te Reo. It was a presentations about items in positions.

Here is an example of an comment thread:

SSR Selfie

 I read a text about little red ridding hood.

The main charcter is little red ridding hood. 

Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little riding hood of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else; so she was always called 'Little Red Riding Hood.

I enjoyed reading this text because it tells me to always do the right thing and don't listen to other people. Video

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed basic facts boes division. 

My score was 82/90 and my time was 4 minutes and 32 seconds. 

I need to stop agonising over the equation and I want to improve my time. 


 I learnt how to do fractions using shapes. 

First I had to match the labels on each fraction.

Next I had to shade the labeled fractions. 

Then I made my own fractions and shaded it.