Wednesday, 26 May 2021


 I did a hockey stick acvitiy. I first balanced on 1 leg and held the hockey stick. My partner Emmanuel was rolling the ball to me. I had to stop the ball and then hit it. I found this activity hard because I couldn't keep my balance.

I then did a frisbee activiy. I balanced on 1 leg and threw the frisbee to my partner. I found this easy because my left leg was able keep still while throwing the frisbee. 

After that I  did a basketball activity. I had to throw the ball to my partner while balancing. I found this easy because my right leg was able to keep still while throwing the ball.
Afterwards I did a netball activity. I had to throw the ball to my partner while balancing. I found this task hard because my partner tried to make me reach my tipping point by throwing the ball sideways. 
Lastly I did a rugby actvity. I had to pass the ball to my partner. I found this task hard because while I was passing the ball I was losing my balance. 



1 comment:

  1. Talofa lava Fotu, I like your blog post about balancing.
    Your blog post has so much detail I really like how you explained your activity to the readers. What are some other meterials you used in HPE? Maybe if you do it again you can write about it beacause I really like your blog post.


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