Thursday, 27 May 2021

Reciprocal Reading

We used reciprocal reading on What We InvestedThe roles of reciprocal reading are leader, predicter, clarafier, questioner. and summariser. 

The PDF was about how much the material cost.

While reading the clarafier role was the most helpful because it identifyed the tricky words.

By doing this we now understand that reciprocal reading can be useful if you miss any text.

I enjoyed doing reciprocal reading because my favourite role was clarifer. 

Next we did reciprocal reading on What we Ate. This talks the soldier's diet being poor and vitamin C curing scurvy. The soldier's diet were hard crakers, bully beef, and jam. 

The most inportant role was summariser because it summarised the parts we missed. 

Simple Machines

Did you know that there are 3 similar simple machines. They are: wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. Simple machines were used to make work eaiser. 

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed basic facts times table.

I got 4 minutes and 2 seconds and I got 90/90.

The next time I do this task I will do divistion.

SSR Selfie

 I read a non-fiction book called killer energy by Nick Arnold and Tony De Saulles. 

I read 20 pages of the book. This book was all about energy. 

I read a book about a volcano. The volcano stores heat and movement enrgy. 

Calender Reading

 1. Grab a calender 
 2. Circle the date
3. Write the day
4. Write the month  
5. Write the year 
6. Read the date you've written


Introductions are a short piece of writing. 

First we wrote introductions about Mr Ogilvie. Then we wrote down sentences about ourselves.

Then we wrote introduction about fireworks.  Here is an example of a firework. Did you know that fireworks were originated in China around 2000 years ago. It consist of powder,fuse, and flash paper. When all three mixtures are together it will make a loud bang.  

Afterwards we wrote a introduction about choclate. Did you know the largest chocolate bar weighted 5, 79.50 kgs. Choclate is made by roasting the cocoa beans then melting it into choclate liquor. Then blending it with milk and sugar

Lastly we wrote a introduction about a life cycle of a butterfly. Did you know that butterflys taste with their feet. The life cycle of a butterfly takes 4 steps. They are eggs, caterpillar, chrysails, and butterfly. The life cycle of a butterfly takes 28 to 32 days. 

This was intresting because I learnt how to get the author's attention.  



 I did a hockey stick acvitiy. I first balanced on 1 leg and held the hockey stick. My partner Emmanuel was rolling the ball to me. I had to stop the ball and then hit it. I found this activity hard because I couldn't keep my balance.

I then did a frisbee activiy. I balanced on 1 leg and threw the frisbee to my partner. I found this easy because my left leg was able keep still while throwing the frisbee. 

After that I  did a basketball activity. I had to throw the ball to my partner while balancing. I found this easy because my right leg was able to keep still while throwing the ball.
Afterwards I did a netball activity. I had to throw the ball to my partner while balancing. I found this task hard because my partner tried to make me reach my tipping point by throwing the ball sideways. 
Lastly I did a rugby actvity. I had to pass the ball to my partner. I found this task hard because while I was passing the ball I was losing my balance. 



Kitchen Labels

 We did an activity about the kitchen. 

I first put on images on my goodle draw and labeled them in maori. I uploaded things that are in kitchens, I thought of pots, microwave, and others. 

I went on maori dictionary to help with labeling the images.

Then we practise saying on and under in maori with Whaea Odie. Kei runga i te pukapuka, this means something is on the book. Kei te raro i te pukapuka, This means something is under the book.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to pronounce things in maori.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Time Solving

 Here are 6 questions. Try and answer them. 

Cause and Effect Sentances

I wrote cause and effect sentences on a life cycle of a buterfly. 

We first match the headings with the correct text. The sentences used cause and effect.

Next we did the life cycle of a butterfly activity. I used causual language to make sentences. A female butterfly lays her eggs THEREFORE they turn into caterpillars.
I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to add casual langauge to a cause and effect sentences.

The 3 similar simple machines.

There are three similar simple machines. They are  wedge, the lever, and the inclined plane. 

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read Tom Gates by L. Pichon. 

I read 31 pages of the book. In the beginning of the story Tom is late for school, so he runs past his sister and runs past his mum to his bike. He was sad he didn’t kiss his mum goodbye.

At school Tom’s teacher tells them he has some good news, the teacher said he will rearranging seats. He arranged tom’s seat to the front of the class, tom didn’t want t be at the front because he was always mucking around in the back. 

I enjoyed reading this book because Tom always made good descions.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

  I completed basic facts times table.

I got 4 minutes and 2 seconds and I got 90/90.

The next time I do this task I will do divistion.

Reciprocal Reading

My group and I did reciprocal reading on a book. 

First we had a leader. A leader tells the rles of people. 

Next is the predictor. A predictor scans the page and tells what it's gonna be about. 

Then, we have a clarfier. A clarfier identifys tricky words, and shares with the group. 

After that, there is a questinor. A questionor asks a question about the text. 

Lastly there is a summariser. A summariser thinks abut the main ideas in the section we have read.

I enjoyed doing reciprocal reading, my favourite role was being the predictor. 

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Comment Thread

 Comment thread is making a conversation with another person. I did a comment thread with Kahu about his SSR Selfie. 

I first asked Kahu if he liked reading non-fiction bok or fiction books 

He then replied with ficton books. He liked fiction books because of the pictures. 

Here is the link to Kahu's blog. 

Maners | PB4L

Maners are used for being respectful to others. They use formal language

There are many types of manners, and thsee can be used in a range of situaions

People use manners when people work with teachers. People use manners to encourage others. People use manners to respect eachother.

Manners are used to respect people. 

Examples of manners are :Please, Thank you, May I and You're Welcome.

Manners can be used to rescpect others like elders and teachers.

Problem Solving

 In groups we had to solved time problems. 

First we shared ideas of what the answers were. 

Next we shared our ideas for the unsolve time problems. 

Fianlly we showed our answers or results to Mr Ogilvie. 

It was easy because I can tell analoge time.

Simple Machines

We looked at simple machines in our school. They are: Inclined plane, wedge, lever, pulley, wheel and axel, and screw. 

A inclined plane is used to move things from a high to low surface. 

A wedge is used to separate objects. 

A lever is used to lift up heavy objects. 

A pulley is used to lift up our flag. 

Wheel and axel helps a car tire move.

A screw is used to hold objects together.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read black panther from Brandon T. Snider. 

I read 34 pages. In the beginning of the story it talks about black panther becoming king because of his dad’s pass.

Klaw is a bad guy who steals from wakanda. One day Klaw wanted to steal wakanda resources for his own evil. It was uranium, this uranium was a powerful element they used on black panther suit so he couldn’t die. 

I enjoyed reading black panther because he was always protecting his country.

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed basic facts times table.

I got 3 minutes and 32 seconds and I got 100/100.

The next time I do this task I will change the times table to challenging times table. 

Cause and Effect

 Cause and effect can help with writing sentence within the mechinisims structure of an explanaion.

A cause is why something happens.  A effect is what happens. For example A rainbow appears in the sky when sunlight passes through raindrops.

Casual language are words that link with cause and effect sentances. For example: because, when, in order to, therefore, and more. For example: The students were loud and noisy THEREFORE the teacher was mad.

Here is a mix and match activity you can do to practise and to help explain what it looks like. Make a copy, do it and then send it to me to check.

Cause and effect is  great starting point for mechanisms as then you can add the detail as to why it happens.


We did balanceing activitys in our envoirment, we took arange of photos. 

The first photo was balancing on the concrete.

The next photo we took was balancing on the playground using the equipement. 

The third photo we took was balancing with the assistance of someone in my group.

The fourth photo was balancing on group partners.

The last photo we took was balancing with our group members with the least amount of contact to the floor. 

It was hard to balance because I was a weak link. I wasn't strong enough to balance in the position I needed to.


I learnt how to say positions in maori. 

The positions I learnt was tenei (here), tena (there) , and tera (over there). 

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to pronunce chair and book in maori. 

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

What Are Keywords?

All texts include a range of words to share information with the reader.
Keywords are words that unlocks more information. 

Keywords are used in sentances to unlock information. Such as latrine, latrine is another way of saying toilet but it's diffirent. A latrine dosen't flush.  

Keywords can help the reader understand more informaiton in a shorter amount of time.

L:I To use Keywords to retell the text
L.I To expand vocabulary using keyword

Time Difference

 I learnt how to count time difference. Difference in maths means subtract. Difference can be found bewteen two things. 

I first started subtracting time. The time was 4:05. 

then I added forty minutes and four hours and it gave me 8:40.  

I then wrote in my total. My total was four hours and forty minutes differece. 

I enjoyed this task because I learnt a subtraction stratagy.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

SSR Selfie

  I read a book called ghosts from Raina Telgemeier. 

I read 20 pages of the book. In  the beginning of the story it starts off with the nerds wanting to become ninjas so the leader asks the cool guys  (The unreal guys) for a cool battle. Who ever become more cooler they would have to wedgy them.   

I enjoyed reading this book because The nerdy ninjas won the bet and got to wedgy the unreal guys


Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed a can-do activity called basic facts boxes. 

I first went on my basic facts sheet and opened a stopwatch on another tab to time myself. I then started my basic facts boxes. 

After that I put in my results. I did times tables, My score was 100/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 57 seconds. 

I need to practise my nine times table because instead of taking a guess and moving on I was thinking over it. I also want to learn my division to do a harder level.

Explanation Planner

 I wrote an explanation planner about how an basketball match works.

In my introduction I wrote down the main things about a basketball game. A basketball match is played befor two teams of five players. 

Next, I wrote down the mechanisms about basketball. A ball is requried to shot the ball inside the hoop. Players are requried to become a team, 5 players max. Hoops are reauried to play basketball for the balls to go inside. 

After that I wrote down my summary. I wrote down my main things into senctances. 

The sturture of an explanation is TIMES.


We learnt how to control our body and learnt balance. We used diffirent techniqes for balancing. 

First, we talked about what is balance. Balancing is keeping your body stable and still. Being able to control your body can be a main key to being balanced. We then got into a balanced pose.

Next, we did an activity called bench activity. We had 2 people each facing each other on the bench. The goal was to try and get to the other side of the bench. We falied but Mr Ogilvie taught us a techniqe.

Afterwards, We did an activity called football balance. We got into groups of 3, then 1 of them stood on the football and the other 2 helped him, when they were confident enough the 2 people helping him would let go. 

I enjoyed this activity because balancing and controling your body can be a key to balancing.


Simple Machines

 Simple machines are obejects that were made to make work easier. 

A pulley is a rope tied up to a wheel. An
 elevator uses a puller to get people up to a high surface or to a lower surface. Wheel and axle is an axle with wheels at the end. Back then in the olden days wheel and axel were used for wagons but now the wheel and axle can be seen every where like on cars and a skateboard.      

A lever is a stick with a fulcrum, the stick is landscape ontop of the fulcrum. The lever can lift up heavy objects. 

Wedges are used to cut things apart. 

These machines can be helpful to people to complete work faster. 

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Classroom Questions | Maori

 I learnt classroom questions.

The first question I learnt was kua mutu which means are you finished? The second question I learnt was kua marama which means do you understand?    

 I enjoyed learning classroom question because I could use it for practise. 


 I learnt how to tell time. 

I  looked at an analogue time. I first looked at the hour hand and the minute hand. The hour hand is the short and fat line and the minute hand is the tall and thin line. 

The minute hand was on the thrid dot before ten, and the hour hand was on six. I knew that six is half, and the minute hand was past nine. The time was half past nine. 

I  learning about time because I learnt that nine and three is quarter, six is half and twelve is o'clock.

WW1 | Anzac Day