Thursday, 1 April 2021

What is Teamwork? | HPE

LS1 group B went to the hall for some P.E. 

First Mr Ogilvie told us if we had ideas on what was teamwork? I told my partner Hector what was teamwork. " communicate is part of teamwork, and don't let anyone out". Then we played a game called the blindfold cone challege. This activity was for communication, I had the blindfold on and Hector had to guide me to the cone on the other side. I was the last person to put my cone ontop of the other group's cone. This activity involed communication.

Then we played a game called bindfold dodge ball. I had to tell Hector the directions of the beanbag because he had a blindfold on. It was hard telling him the directions because the groups around me were shouting to their partner and Hector couldn't hear me. This activity involed collaboration.

Lastly we played a game called hunger games dodge ball. We played normal dodgeball but everybody was it. The hit zone was their chest and below. This activity involed cooperation.

I need to work on listening because when it was my turn for blind fold dodgeball I was listening to another groups directions and I only hit one person. The three Cs can be useful if you don't know what team work is, The 3 Cs cn be a good start of learning teamwork.

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