Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed a can-do activity called Basic facts boxes. 

I first went on the basic fact sheet. Then went on a stopwatch on another tab, then started the basic fact sheet.

After I finished, I put in the results on a google slide. I did the times table speed demon challenge. I got 92/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 33 seconds. I missed seven because I didn' know them.

Next time I do this task I want to inpove in my time and learn my 7,8, and 9 times table.

Friday, 16 April 2021

Fact Find | Russell Westbrook

 I did a fact find about Russell Westbrook. 

I first went onto websites about Russell Westbrook. Then looked for facts about Russell. 

I leant that Russell was an MVP in the 2016 season, and he has been on three teams. 

Russell also won a golden medal in the men's basketball olympics. 

I enjoyend learning about Russell Westbrook because of how he uses teamwork during his games. 

Wednesday, 14 April 2021


 Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal.

Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. 

Communication are when you talk to your teammates and try and come up with a stratagey or to win the game. For example: Talking to your partners before dodgeball starts to come up with a plan. 

Cooperation is helping each other and not letting people out. For example if someone is out in dodgeball, someone can sae them by catching the ball on the full.

Collaboration is working together to try and achieve the same goal. For example playing together  to win the dodgeball game .

(This video shows the mechansim of communication)

(This video shows the mechanisim of cooperation)

(This video shows the mechanisim of collaboration)

To be successuful as a team all three mehanisms need to implemented throughout the activity. 

SSR Selfie

 I read a book called ghosts from Raina Telgemeier. 

I read 22 pages of the book. In the beginning of the story there are 4 characters, Maya, Cat, and their mum and dad. They are at a food store ordering food. Maya and Cat both ask if they are gonna be any food stores at their new town. They're moving to the new town because of their dad's new work. 

Another page I read was about Maya and Cat taking a walk to the beach. Cat ends up walking back home with Maya because it was to cold. 

I enjoyed reading this book because Maya makes good decisions. 

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Making Connections

Making connections is joining ideas together to make sense of something.

There are 3 different types of connections we can make.

Text to self talks about the text the character has read . For example: The duck from the highway rat book is lieing to protect herself, People protect themsleves for a reaason. 

Text to text talks about the text and another text the character has read. For example: The duck from the highway rat book returns the stolen food to the villegers, in the book the gruffalo the mouse's nut gets stolen by birds.

Text to world talks about things that happend in the world. For example: The duck from the highway rat book is scared when the highway rat is gonna eat the duck, People around the world get scared of something.

Making connections can help people understand the ideas bewteen text to people, text to text, and text to world.

Marc Duffy

Marc Duffy is a duffy role model who shares his story and gives advice to people. 

In the 70s Marc couldn't read, Marc struggled with reading because he read right to left. Marc got involved with bad guys and bad things and was sentenced to prison for 4 years. 

Marc learnt how to read in prison from a teacher. The teacher taught him a ruler and book and taught him how to read, left to right.

Marc is a NZ boxer who held the lightweight champion for 5 years. Marc is now the manager of the largest Bunnings store in NZ which is located in Hamilton. 

Marc went back to university to become a counsellor.

Marc is a duffy role model who changed his life around and now is a NZ boxer. 

Monday, 12 April 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed a can-do activity called basic facts boxes. 

I first went on my basic facts sheet and opened a stopwatch on another tab to time myself. I then started my basic facts boxes. 

After that I put in my results. I did times tables, My score was 100/100 and my time was 4 minutes and 3 seconds. 

I need to practise my nine times table because instead of taking a guess and moving on I was thinking over it. I also want to learn my division to do a harder level.


Multipacation is a faster way of adding the same numbers many times. The three, four , and six times table are examples of multipacation.

The four times table are multiplying four by a number of groups. The three times table are multiplying three by a number of groups.The six times table are multiplying six by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplication equations. The next times table to learn are the seven, eight, and nine times tables.

Friday, 9 April 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a book called The USA by Shalini Vallepur.

I read 15 pages of the book. I read one page about Texas, Texas is the second big state in the USA. 

I then read a page about Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras is a big carnival that happens in New Orleans. All the big celebrations happen in New Orleans. 

I enjoyend reading this book because I learnt new facts about the USA.

Teamwork | HPE

Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal.

Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. 

Communication are when you talk to your teammates and try and come up with a stratagey or to win the game.  For example: Talking to your partners before dodgeball starts to come up with a plan. 

Cooperation is helping each other and not letting people out. For example if someone is out in dodgeball, someone can sae them by catching the ball on the full.

Collaboration is working together to try and achieve the same goal. For example playing together to win the dodgeball game .

To be successuful as a team all three mehanisms need to implemented throughout the activity. 

Basic Facts Boxes

 complted a can-do activity called basic facts boxes.

I first went on my basic facts sheet and opened a stopwatch on another tab. I then started my basic facts boxes. 

I then put in my results. I did times table, My score was 100/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 53 seconds. 

Next time I do this task I will practise my divistion and do them. 

Public vs Pravite | CyberSmart

Information can be public or pravite. To keep safe people have to know what pravite and public information.

Private information is when  information dosen't want to be shared with random people. For example: Your credit card details, credit card deatails can be a lot of harm to people. 

Public information is information about something that can to be shared. For example: Liking cat videos, liking cat videos can be good to like or watch. 

Understanding the diffrence bewteen public and pravite could help staying safe online. 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Character Trait

A character trait is information about a character in a story.  The character trait uses adjectives to describe a character's personality. There are  characters in the story the Highway Rat, the example below show the duck.

The duck is a kind villager. An example for that is: when the duck gallops on the horse and shares the stolen food. This shows that the duck is kindful and helpful because how she shares the food. 

A further example of the ducks character traits is: when she was scared because the rat was about to eat her. This shows that the duck is scared and clever because of how she lies to escape from getting eaten.

Character traits can help the reader understand the character's personality.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021


 Multipacation is a faster way of adding the same numbers many times. The two, five, and ten times table are examples of multipacation.

The two times table are multiplying two by a number of groups. The five times table are multiplying five by a number of groups.The ten times table are multiplying ten by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplication equations. The next times table to learn are the three, four, and six times table.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

What is Teamwork? | HPE

LS1 group B went to the hall for some P.E. 

First Mr Ogilvie told us if we had ideas on what was teamwork? I told my partner Hector what was teamwork. " communicate is part of teamwork, and don't let anyone out". Then we played a game called the blindfold cone challege. This activity was for communication, I had the blindfold on and Hector had to guide me to the cone on the other side. I was the last person to put my cone ontop of the other group's cone. This activity involed communication.

Then we played a game called bindfold dodge ball. I had to tell Hector the directions of the beanbag because he had a blindfold on. It was hard telling him the directions because the groups around me were shouting to their partner and Hector couldn't hear me. This activity involed collaboration.

Lastly we played a game called hunger games dodge ball. We played normal dodgeball but everybody was it. The hit zone was their chest and below. This activity involed cooperation.

I need to work on listening because when it was my turn for blind fold dodgeball I was listening to another groups directions and I only hit one person. The three Cs can be useful if you don't know what team work is, The 3 Cs cn be a good start of learning teamwork.

Sipi Tau And Maori Haka | Inquiry

I learnt the diffrences and similarities between the maori haka and the sipi tau. 

I first put in the similarities in the DLO. One of the simularites I wrote down was that they are both trying to scare their opponents, they both slap their body and they both are loud. 

After that I wrote down my diffrences. One of my diffreces I wrote down was that the  maori people take the haka into challegeing another tribe. 

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt the diffrences and similarities about the Maori haka and the Sipi Tau. This helps we understand how different cultures share similar things, but how depending on the place or people they maybe a little different. All cultures have something special to them.

SSR Selfie

I read a book called the USA by Shalini Vallepur.

I read 11 pages of the book. I read one page about Texas. I learnt Alaska is the biggest state followed by Texas, Alaska is the biggest state of population. 

I then read a page about the Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras is a big carnival that happens in New Orleans before the christian season of lent. The biggest celebrations in USA happens in New Orleans.

I enjoyed reading this book because I learnt new facts about the USA.

Basic Facts Boxes

 I complted a can-do activity called basic facts boxes.

I first went on my basic facts sheet and opened a stopwatch on another tab. I then started my basic facts boxes. 

I then put in my results. I did up to 20, my time was 100/100 and my time was 4 minutes and 11 seconds. 

Next time I do this task I will do a harder level and try to improve my time.


I learnt the meaning of multipaction and used multipacation to figure out how many counters my group had. 

First my group and I got given couters, we figured out the amount of counters using multipacation like 2, 3, 4, 5 and all the small times tables. My group and I split the counters into small groups of 5 and our total was 35.

After that my group and I switched counters with a diffirent group. We counted the counters in 5s and the total was 25. My group and I figured out that 5x5 is 25 so we put the counters in small groups of 5.

I need to work on my learning some of my multipacation because when we counted the counters in 7s I didn't know the times table.