Friday, 30 October 2020

Kiwi Sport | Touch

Today for kiwisport we learnt other basic skills for touch.

First we did an Activity about planting the ball on the ground. To plant the ball on the ground you had to put the ball on the ground with 2 hands or else it will be an knock on. 

Next we did an activity about draw and pass. We got into 2 teams, one team was the attacking team and the other team was the defence. The defence team had to run with 1 person and the attacking team had 2 people so the attacking team could draw and pass. If the defence team touch the person with the ball you would go back to the line.  After that  our coach told the girls to go on the other setup so they could have more turns. The girls group was small so our coach took away boys form our group to join the girls's group. 

Lastly, we revised what we did in our touch activities.

I really enjoyed touch training because I learnt how to plant the ball on the ground properly. 

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