Friday, 30 October 2020


Emergency shelters are facilities that protect people from accidents and disasters such as : Tornados, volcanoes erupting, fires, and storms. 

Fire shelters are used as a last resort in an emergency wildfire. They are fire-proof bags that a person has to lay in, however it doesn’t stop the heat from coming into the fire shelter so it can become very hot. Fire shelters are made from aluminium foil.

Underground storm shelters are resistant to aggressive weather. They do not take up much space in a household, and are made to be installed in a garage. Shelters against storms are made in different sizes, some are spacious and some are confined.

Shelters are used to protect people from disasters . Some shelters are only designed for certain disasters.

Kiwi Sport | Touch

Today for kiwisport we learnt other basic skills for touch.

First we did an Activity about planting the ball on the ground. To plant the ball on the ground you had to put the ball on the ground with 2 hands or else it will be an knock on. 

Next we did an activity about draw and pass. We got into 2 teams, one team was the attacking team and the other team was the defence. The defence team had to run with 1 person and the attacking team had 2 people so the attacking team could draw and pass. If the defence team touch the person with the ball you would go back to the line.  After that  our coach told the girls to go on the other setup so they could have more turns. The girls group was small so our coach took away boys form our group to join the girls's group. 

Lastly, we revised what we did in our touch activities.

I really enjoyed touch training because I learnt how to plant the ball on the ground properly. 

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Reading | Making connections.

Text to self talks about something that links to something you have done. For example: IN the book cave creatures, One of the spiders were hanging upside down. You could be hanging upside down on the monkey bars.

Text to text talks about something that links with a text you have read. For example: In the book,The book the legend of Rahi, Rahi prepears to save his wife and The book cave creatures, In the book cave creatures the explorer prepears himself before going into the cave full of big spiders.    

Text to world talks about things that you know or happend in the world. For example: In the book cave creatures, It says the spiders sometimes hang themselfs like a christmas decoration, Around the world people celebrate christmas by putting decorations around their tree and house.

Building | Maths

In building their job uses geometry and measurement. 

Builders use measurement to measure what height and length they need to build their house. Builders can also cut off blocks when their in the wrong place.

Builders also use geometry to know what size and shape the house needs. For example: A triangle, The buiders will need a big enough triangle to put it on top of the house. 

Builders use these types of maths to build the right house or building.

Friday, 23 October 2020

Comment thread

 A comment thread is having a conversation. It can be found in the comment  section.

When comment starting you need a greeting. For example: Greetings, Ki Ora, and Hello.

Next you give some positive feedback. For example: Thanks  for the positive feedback. I would use this strategy on multiplication to find an answer. Will you use this strategy on division?


An insulator is used to stop the heat from traveling. Five materials were tested for the ability to insulate: glass, plastic, meatal,paper, and polystrene.

 The materials that keep things warm are: Plasitc, paper, and meatal. The materials that keep things cool are:paper cups, polystyrene, and glass. To check the temperature we used an thermometer.

The best sulation for keeping things warm is metal. 

LI- To determine the insulative properties of materials.

Touch Rugby

Today we learnt some basic skills for touch rugby. 

First we learnt how to tap the ball, catching, and passing the ball. 

Afterwards we played passing drills to get better at comitting to the ball and catching. 

I really enjoyed rugby touch because I learnt how to catch the ball and learn new skills. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Maori | Kupu

This week for maori we did a task about the rona song. Rona is maori song.

First we watched a video of the rona lyrics. Then we had to write it down on our document.

Next We had to type the word onto the maori dictionary. We wrote the words on the maori dictionary to get an answer. For example: Takoto-Lie down, atarau- moonlit, and roto-lake.

Next we did this task called the kupu revision. We had to re arranged the words to be correct. For example: Whenua-Land, Waka- Boat, and Hoha- Annoying.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Skimming and scanning.

 Today for reading we learnt skimmimg and scanning. 

Skimming is reading the book to get an idea of it. 

Scanning is when you read through the book to find keywords. 

I used skimming and scanning on a book called: Cave creatures. We had to find 3 keywords and an  image to go with it. 

After we denfined one of the keywords and found facts about it. Then I wrote 4 key question that the author would of thought for writting it. After that I wrote some questions about what I would ask. 

I really enjoyed finding keywords and finding 4 facts about cave creatures .

Friday, 16 October 2020


 This week for reading we learnt skimming and scaning.

Skimming is reading sentences to get an idea of the book. 

Scaning is looking threw the book for keywords.

We used skimming and scanning on a book called Chris Pither.

First we had to  find 3 keywords and 2 key question. Next we had to define one of the keywords. After that we attributed the image. 

Then we had to find 4 facts about the book.

Maths | Written Algorithm

Written algorithm is a strategy that uses place value to find an answer. The written algorithm can be used to solve addition, subtraction, division,and multipaction problems.

In place value there are different type of boxes. For example: The o stands for ones, The t stands for tens, The h is for hundreds,and the th stands for thousands.

Kiwi Sport | Touch

 This week for kiwi sport we learnt how to move around with the ball, catching the ball and passing. 

First we learnt how to catch the ball. We got into 2 pairs and stood on a yellow and white line. When your parthner is pasing the ball to you hold up an "w" with your hands. To pass to your partner they have to be at the back of you because if hes infront of you it's gonna be a forward pass.

Next we learnt how to move with the ball while doing ball handles. We threw the ball above our head and tried to catch it. Then we walk forward while doing the ball handles. After that we tried walking backwards and doing the ball handles. 

After that we played a game. In the game we practiced all the skills we learnt. We had to put the balls in the colour hoops. When  Mr Ogilvie blew his whistle we put the ball on the ground and our partner has to pick it up. The partner couldn't move so the person who put on the ground could move. They move and put the balls in the hoop. One of the balls has to be in each hoop. 

I really enjoyed kiwi sport because I learnt how to catch the ball.   


Thursday, 15 October 2020


 This week for inquiry we did an experiment to learn and practice experimental methods. 

First my group got the materials that would absorb the water.  My group got the paper towels. After that we measured 100ml of water in a beaker cup. When we were done we added 5 drops of blue food colouring. 

Next I took 50 grams of paper towels and placed them in a tote tray. After that we poured the 100ml water onto the paper towels.

Then we waited to see if the water was absorbing.  After that when the water was not absorbing, we tipped in back in to a beaker and measured what was not absorbed.

I really enjoyed inquiry because I learnt new experimental methods.

We put the results on the recording sheet.

LI:To learn and practise experimental methods

LI:To determine the absorbency of different materials using experimental methods

Informal and formal language

Formality tells peopel when to use formal language and informal language.

Informal are times when rules and politenesse don't have to be followed. For informal examples: G, wasssup, and yo. 

Formal language are times when rules and politeness need to be followed. Some examples for formal language: greetings, hello, want to and do not.

Sometimes formal situations can be like informal situations, for example: Having a meeting at the park, playing a game at a meeting.  

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Maori | Te Tinana

This week for Te Reo Maori we did a task about our body it was called ( Te Tinana). 

How to say different types of body parts in Maori. We highlighted the ones we know blue and the ones we don't know we left them blank.  For example: (Ear-taringa, Stomach- puku.) 

The other task was about matching. We matched the words with the pictures. For example: ( Kei Te makarere- Cold) 

I enjoyed doing Te Reo Maori because I learnt new things about the weather.