Monday, 15 November 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

 I did division speed demon challenge. 

My score was 81/90 I missed 7 and got 1 wrong because I didn’t know them. My time was 4 minutes and 54 seconds.

Next time I do my divisions I want to learn my 7s, 8s, and 9s times table because those are the ones I missed. 

Wednesday, 10 November 2021


 I did activity where I had to identify imprper fractions. 

First I wrote the fractions in words. For example: Three Halves

Then I wrote the fractions in numbers. For example: 3/2

Afterwards I put in a image showing the words I wrote. 

Lastly I wrote a little description. For example: All pieces were cut into 2 pieces (halves) Two pieces have gone. There are 3 halves .

I enjoyed this acivity because the little description filled in help me.

Friday, 5 November 2021

Comment Thread

I completed the comment thread task. Comment thread is commenting on someone blog post and saying what you like about it. 

In a comment thread you should always start with a greeting. For example: Malo e Lelei. You write something you enjoyed about their blog.

SSR Selfie

 I continued reading Bad Guys. Bad Guys is a fiction book. 

The main characters are Snake, Animals, and Cat. 

After Snake get integrated he starts seeing things so he gets help by Cat. Cat tells snake to go to bed and get some rest. When snake wakes up he feels better. 

I enjoyed reading this book because it give me goosebumps everytime snake sees things because it's scary.

Basic Facts Boxes

  I completed basic facts boes division. 

My score was 82/90 and my time was 4 minutes and 32 seconds. 

I need to stop agonising over the equation and I want to improve my time. 

Fairy Tale Fix up | Little Red riding hood

I used little red riding hood to plan a fairy tale. 

First I thought about a characters I should switch. 

Then I changed the chrachters, setting, conflict, the plot, ending, point of view, and create mix match. 

I enjoyed this task because I got to put in my favourite characters. 

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Inproper Fracions

I completed a task called inproper fractions. Inproper fractions is when the numerater in hight than the denomenater. 

The first thing I wrote was a fraction. For example: 2/7

Next I represented the inproper fractions using a number line, pizza slices, and a short description.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn more about inproprer fractions.