Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Descriptive Writing

L.I To describe interesting language features

This week for writing we did desciptive writing. Descipitve writing is when you describe things with adjectives and action words to describe the thing you are writing about.

Friday, 27 March 2020


For inquiry I had to use the Waka places that I researched about and find where they settled in google maps. The Kurahaupo waka went to Takapau Kura. The Takitimu waka went Te Awanui, Tauranga Moana.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Maths | Prototech

This week for the basic facts I did Prototec. It took me 1 minute and 37 seconds for times tables and find factor. 

Fact Find | Ric Flair

For reading we had to do a can d like SSR Selfie, Explain that idiom and more. I chose to do Fact find. For this task you have to talk about something or someone like a WWE superstar. For find fact my person was Ric Flair.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Basic Facts Boxes

This week I took the speed demon. I decided to do multiplication instead because I thought that I need to get better at  it. Once I was finished answering the equations My time was 8 minutes and 22 secounds. I think I was good from last time I did basic facts boxes.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Complex sentence

For this activity I made an DLO called complex sentence. How to make a complex sentence is to use a simple sentence and add an AAWWUUBBIS in the middle. The AAWWUUBBIS words are after, although, as, while, when, until, before, because, if, since. If you change it to the other way it will sound correct. To find more infomation to make a complex sentence look at my slide that I made.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

First Waka

Originally there were no people in New Zealand. The first people to settle in New Zealand came in a series of waka.

The first ten waka were named Kurahaupo, Takitimu, Mataatua, Tainui, Te Arawa, Aotea, Tokomaru, Horouta,Uruao and Arai-te-uru.

Most of the waka visted the North Island. Some of the places the waka landed at were Takapau Kura (Tom Bowling Bay) and Takou Bay.

The ten waka came to New Zealand to discover new lands for people to live.

LI: to learn about early exploration. 

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Fact Find

For reading we had to do a can do like SSR Selfie, Explain that idiom and more. I chose to do Fact find. For this task you have to talk about something or someone like a basketball player. For find fact my person was Anthony Davis.

Anthony Davis is and  American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association.  This task also can help you find new information or facts about someone. I think this can do is super amazing for our educational learning.

Friday, 13 March 2020


LI. To comment on someones blog post.

This week we had to comment on people blog. I commented on Rosalili's blog and told her what I liked about It. 

Then I asked her a 

Kiwi Sports

On our thrid session our coachs Ioana and Ice were telling us the rules about rippa rugby because if people didn't come last week.

For Kiwi Sport we were doing one drill it was running. We had to run to the blue cone and pass the ball to the person behind you and pass it back then we run to the yellow cones and run like a zic zac after we run around the flag then pass to the person.

The game we played was the real game. When you are a red tagged you go to Ice if you are Green tagged you go to Ioana.

Basic Facts boxes

This week I took the speed demon challenge up to 5. I only did the addition because I wanted to start off easy.
Maybe next week I will do subtraction as well. It took me 5 minutes and 53 secounds.

Place Value System

Place value determines where the value of a digit goes. In the presentation I explained what place values are and how the place value house works and showed two examples. The examples were one place value house (Hundreds, Tens & Ones), and the second example was two place value houses (Hundreds of Thousands, Tens of Thousands & Thousands).


KiwiCan was about listening.

We played 'bop the cone' to practise listening for instructions.
We also played 'Chinese whispers' to practise listening and hearing information.

I thought Chinese whispers was a good way to practise listening skills.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Legal and illegal

LI: Finding websites that have images. This week I learnt finding websites on google that have images or free images.The website that I find images from is,Unsplash,Negative space,Pixabay,Canava,Shutterstock,Istock. These websites can get you free images and some of them are artist and designer and videos.So if your trying to find free images search up these websites name it will help you with your work.Find images that are free are here.

Compound Sentences

LI: to write meaningful and interesting COMPOUND sentences.

Compound sentences are made up of two ideas combined with a 'FANBOY' or 'Conjunction'.

A simple sentence is made up of one idea, but simple sentences don't require to be short.

First, we started with trying to make simple sentences with pictures by having one sentence and one idea, another sentence with another idea and then joining them up by choosing a conjunction.

Kupe and Cook: Early NZ Exporation.

Kupe and Cook are 2 inportant explorers in New Zealand history.

Kupe arrived in NZ in the 1100's. He travelled by traditianal methods on a traditianal sail boat. Myth has it he followed a giant octopus. He did this voyage to find new land for his people to live. His wife named NZ Aotearoa after seeing mountains under the clouds.

Captain Cook arrived on the 6th of October 1769. He traveled on his ship that he named the "Dark Endeavour." He was sent by the royal navy to map New Zealand. He found New Zealand by following the birds.

Kupe is important because he was the first documented person in New Zealand. Captain Cook is important because he mapped New Zealand and opened it up to the world access.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

SSR Selfie

LI: to summarise and retell a text.
I had to read a book for SSR Selfie.The book that I was reading was the solar system.
In this book it tells you what are the 8 planets called and the meaning.

Ratelling a text

LI: Retelling a text is a important strategy to show understanding.

Retelling uses keywords to focus on important details. Ordering keywords helps retell the information in an easy to follow. Retelling helps show understanding by putting the text in your own words.
Retelling helps us understand if we have understood everything that has been read.

Friday, 6 March 2020

SSR Selfie

For this activity I did the SSR Selfie.
This activity was about summarising and retelling by ansering questions on the slide.

Rippa Rugby

This week was our secound session of rippa rugby. We did some drills with our coaches and there names were Ice and Ioane.

First we did some drills before we get into our rippa rugby game. The teams were lions vs t-rex. I was in team lions. First the drill on Ice's side was called invisible tag because Ice has to call a number between 1-4.Ice said that if I was in front He would chose 1 and the other team would be 3 because I always steped them.  After that we got into a real game of rippa rugby. Our team tags were red and the other team was blue. Ioane was on our side and Ice was on the other team.

When the game finshed the game was a tie. Ioane said to the other team "You guys don't even know whats a square" because when the blue team was with Ioane they keep going out of the square so they had to play passing drills.

I felt proud of the teams because they tried their best and scroed trys.

Counting On

Today in class we did maths equations. Then we made our own equation on a slide and added a story problem where we had to explain how we solved it. I also did a practise of answering the questions on the right side.

Simple Sentence

This week we learnt what a simple sentence was. First we watched a video which explained what a simple sentence is. Next our group had to record mixed up sentences. Then we had to write 5 of our own simple sentences. I created a mixed up simple sentence slide for others to use. I looked forward to others using my simple sentences.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Explores and Adventurers

Explorers and Adventurers are people who travel and discover new things. Explorers are people who travel to discover new things and record them for their community. Such as Robert Ballard and Captain James Cook.

 Adventurers are people who travel to take part in something for themselves. Such as Sir Peter Blake and Leif Erikson.

 Explorers and Adventures need to have or show many differnt attitudes and attributes. Such as Co-operative because When everybody takes part and has an even role to complete a task or job.

Both Explorers and Adventurers travel to new places and have similar qualities although their goals are different.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Legal and illegal inmages

A legal is an image that can be use with permission by law.

Image creators give legal permission to use their images by adding a sharing license.

It is inportant to use legal images to help creators and so we don't get in trouble.

When using images, make sure to check the licensed for permission.

LI: To understand what are illeal and legal.


What is a key word?  key words are words that help to research specific information about a chosen                                        topic they can also give appropriate information to young learners.

What are key words for? Key words are for narrowing down the information gained by an internet search.

Why do we need to use key word? Key words can be used to find information that is understandable  and readable by children.