Friday, 25 October 2019

Times table shift

To play this game we had to work out what times table it was and what they had shifted the start number by. 

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Flea Feast

Flea Feast 
LI – rhyming scheme, nouns, verbs

Read the poem

Rhyming scheme – What lines rhyme with each other in the first two verses  -
more and war , Powder and louder , lead greed , about shout ,
bed shed and quiet diet.  

Name the characters in this poem Dog , The boy and the flea. 

Identify some of the nouns - 
  • Bed 
  • Shed 
  • Pills 
  • Powder 
  • Spary 
  • Victim 
Identify the verbs – use a thesaurus to find a synonym for each. -   

  • Change - Revision 
  • Woof  - Howl
  • Yell - Roar 
  • Move - Motion 
  • Nip - Nibble 
  • Made - Built  

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Simpson Family Tree

Simpson Family Tree

Ko wai te whaea o Homer? -  Mora   Ko wai te kuia o Ling? - Jackline 
Ko wai te papa o Lisa? -  Homer Ko wai te mama o Patty? - Jackline 
Ko wai te koro o Maggie? - Abraham Ko wai te papa o Marge? - Clancy 

Write your own questions using : kuia, koro, mama, papa



Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Complex Sentence

Simple - 
She plays with my toys.

Complex - 
She plays with my toys, before she goes to bed.

Before she goes to bed, she plays with my toys.

Today in class I did a complex sentence and simple. We looked inside a library book for a simple sentences. When we wrote the complex we wrote it forwards and backwards.

Pie chart

Today I made a pie chart and we used the spreadsheet and we used tally marks for Red, Blue Green, Yellow, Purple and the purple team had 7 people that liked it.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Night in the Forest

i)   "...and makes a net of sticky, dangling threads."
          dangling means to hang  down .
     ii)  "...many native flowers are white to attract night flying moths and beetles."
          attract means  to draw by appealing to the emotions or senses
     iii) "The kiwi is special."
          special means unique.

Friday, 18 October 2019


Today I wrote on Mahdi's blog  , Sasuke's blog and KawaKawa school's blog and told them what I liked about their work.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Nga Atua

Storm in a Teacup

Storm in a Teacup
L.I. - Identify literary device - Simile and Metaphor and rhyme

Read the poem

Identify the two metaphors in the poem - Chocolate Sea, Marshmallow Boats.

Identify the simile -  Like a silver typhoon spoon

Write down the pairs of rhyming words
  • Sea and me 
  • Sink and drink 


Wiki : Kotahi

Kupu - Te Tinana
The Body

Kei hea to ……..

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Whale Watch

  1. The good luck dolphin necklace hoped he could see a whale. 
  2. Lester put the hydrophone in the water to listen for whale sounds.
  3. Lester took them off shore because the water is deep and full of food.
  4. Lester couldn’t hear any sounds because they were asleep or coming to the top. 
  5. Lester waited and waited, then they heard a rush of air.
  6. The first clue Max had was the rush of air from the whale breathing. 
Today we did another reading comprehension. I used the question to figure out the answer.

Column Chart

Today we made a column chart of our favourite sports  was rugby